Cleartrip is dedicated to helping travelers find the best fares from Jammu to Srinagar. With our real-time fare tracking, you can spot budget-friendly flights and lock in savings for your trip.
You get a cabin baggage allowance of 7 kg and a check-in baggage allowance of 15 kg per piece. However, some airlines have varying allowances, so checking the airline website for accurate details is best.
Make sure you are not carrying any: Note: It is important to note that Jammu and Kashmir have a specific list of items prohibited from being carried in baggage. This list applies to both the Jammu and Srinagar airports. So, it is best to go through the airport website to ensure you are not carrying those items with you.
Some essential documentation for international travel includes:
It is advised to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before the boarding time to ensure you can board without any stress.
In the event you miss your flight, it is advisable to reach out to the airline as soon as possible to get assistance with rebooking.
If you suspect your luggage is lost or delayed, do not worry. It is advisable to reach out to the airline’s baggage desk at the earliest.
Some standard tips include:
Policies on pets differ from airline to airline. So, it is best to look up the same on the official airline website and adhere to it while travelling.
Planning a trip but expensive flight tickets blowing a hole in your pocket? Then discover Cleatrip’s flight booking services. With attractive and exclusive deals on flights within varying price ranges, Cleartrip will make your trips more memorable and easy on the pocket.
Before booking your flight ticket from Jammu to Srinagar, here are a few flight trends and insights to help your search.
You can get the lowest airfare from Jammu to Srinagar by flight in September.
For flight booking from Jammu to Srinagar, booking your tickets at least 21-60 days in advance is advised.
IndiGo, SpiceJet, Air India, and Vistara offer the lowest Jammu to Srinagar flight ticket prices.
Air India offers the most frequent flights. Book your flight on Cleartrip’s website and get the best Jammu to Srinagar flight ticket price today.
SpiceJet, IndiGo, Air India, and Vistara offer non-stop flights with the fastest Jammu to Srinagar flight time.
This route has 17 flights running for the day. Check out Cleartrip for Jammu to Srinagar flight lowest price.
You can choose between economy, premium economy, business, and first-class tickets for all Jammu to Srinagar flights.
With very low Jammu to Srinagar flight price options, a direct flight lasts about 50 minutes on average.
With an extremely low flight fare from Jammu to Srinagar, the earliest flight departs from Jammu at 10:15 am.
You can book the last flight of the day at 7:50 pm for a very low Jammu to Srinagar flight cost.
Here is all about booking the Jammu to Srinagar cheapest flight from Cleartrip.
To check the status of your flight, follow these steps:
Similarly, to check the flight schedule, follow these steps:
For online check-in, follow these steps:
Many airlines levy additional charges for last-minute check-ins. Hence, early check-in online can help you get the most out of your flight airfare from Jammu to Srinagar price.
Cleartrip offers attractive discounts that are sure to make your trip more enjoyable. You can save up to 25% on domestic flights using the code CTDOM, while the code THALA07 provides up to INR 5,000 off. First-time flight bookings can benefit from a flat INR 777 discount with the code CTMAHI. Additionally, Cleartrip partners with various banks to offer exclusive discounts, adding even more value to your travel bookings.
The round-trip booking option on Cleartrip allows you to book flights from Jammu and to Jammu simultaneously. All you need to do is choose the "Round trip" option. After you have chosen from the many flights to Srinagar, you simply need to choose one back from Srinagar to Jammu.
The capital of both Jammu and Kashmir is located in the centre of the Kashmir valley on the banks of the Jhelum River. Explore the beauty of Srinagar with attractive domestic flight offers.
Records show that until the 14th Century, Srinagar was under the rule of the Mauryan Empire. Book your return from Srinagar to Jammu flight with ease on Cleartrip.
The beauty of Srinagar unfolds superbly between April and October.
The most common ways to explore Srinagar are through auto-rickshaws, taxis, buses, and cars. You can hire shikaras for a thrilling ride through the Dal Lake and even book houseboats.
Sheikh Ul Alam International Airport, Indira Gandhi Road, Humhama, Badgam, Jammu and Kashmir - 190007
The airport has separate Domestic and International terminals for easy transfers and boarding.
Paid parking is available at the airport. With 250 lots available for parking, you can park your car, tempo/minibus/SUV, coach/bus/truck, or two-wheeler at the lots. With different rates for up to 30 minutes, 30 minutes to 2 hours, and 2 hours to 7 hours, you can easily get affordable parking for your desired duration.
The city of Jammu lies on the banks of the Tawi River, with the Himalayas in the north.
According to records, Raja Jamboo Lochan, who gave the city its name, founded it around the 14th century BC.
The winter months of October to March are ideal for visiting Jammu.
The city boasts a well-connected air, rail, and road network, so you can explore it at your convenience.
Civil Airport, Satwari, Raipur Satwari, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir - 180003
The Jammu airport has a single terminal for domestic flights, connecting the city to various major airports throughout the country.
The airport houses the Paahun Lounge & Restaurant.
The airport has a parking lot with 80 spaces available for four-wheeler parking. With minimal charges, you can park your car for a short while.
Ensure your accommodations are booked before departure from Jammu, which is all from Cleartrip. Book your chosen hotel in your preferred location and reach Srinagar without the stress of having to find accommodations on the spot. While doing so, you can easily save money by using the code "CTMAHI" to get FLAT 25% off on your first hotel booking.
Availability of the discount codes is subject to change without any prior notification. Entries to tourist spots mentioned here are also subject to stay closed on certain occasions.