Cleartrip is dedicated to helping travelers find the best fares from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar. With our real-time fare tracking, you can spot budget-friendly flights and lock in savings for your trip.
The baggage allowance for Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flights is: However, checking an airline's official website for the latest updates is better.
Things not to carry while travelling on a flight include:
The necessary documents to carry to the airport include:
You should arrive 2 hours early before your Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight.
Follow these safety tips for flights: Other tips:
Pets are permitted on most airlines to check their policy before boarding the flight. Major airline's policies are mentioned below:
Planning a quick trip from your boring schedule to visit a new location? Look no further! Cleartrip makes the Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight booking experience easy. It also caters to business travellers and tourists. It enables you to search for flight prices, check availability, and find the best tickets based on your preferred departure or arrival dates, among other things.
So, here is the vital information on Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flights gathered by Cleartrip to ensure a smooth and safe travel.
The airfare from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar is usually the most affordable, starting in September.
It’s better to book your flight 3-4 weeks before your departure to get the best prices. Also, you might get better deals and offers for an affordable Guwahati to Bhubaneswar ticket price.
Airlines that offer the lowest flight fares in minimum Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight time are:
Airlines that operate the most frequent with affordable GAU to BBI flight tickets are:
Airlines that offer non-stop and affordable Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight tickets between this route without any layovers are:
There are about 3-4 flights that operate daily. These include direct and affordable flight tickets from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar.
The available cabin classes with affordable Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight prices are:
The duration is 5 hours. Check out the latest airfare from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar on Cleartrip!
The earliest departure is around 07:30 AM. Get affordable Guwahati to Bhubaneswar flight ticket prices on Cleartrip.
The latest departure timeis at 11:45 PM. Check the newest flight ticket from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar on Cleartrip.
If you are looking for cheap flights from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar, you are at the right place. Follow the given steps to check deals and book tickets.
Enter the “CTMAHI” code to get INR 777 off on your first flight from Cleartrip.
Cleartrip offers many discounts on round trips, fromflights from Guwahati to flights to Bhubaneswar. A round trip is the best because it saves you energy and time when booking arrival tickets again. Check out Cleartrip's official website or app to take advantage of these offers.
Bhubaneswar is the capital of Odisha. It lies in eastern India, about 60 km from the Bay of Bengal. You can avail of domestic flight offers to reach this magnificent city.
It is also known as the Temple City of India. It was once called Ekamra Kshetra – a well-known Hindu and Jain pilgrimage centre. In 261 BC, during the Kalinga War, Emperor Ashoka, after converting to Buddhism, played a significant role in leading that event. Book your Bhubaneswar to Guwahati flight today for the best price!
October to March offers tourists the best chance to visit Bhubaneswar. During these months, it has been making it with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25 °C.
Biju Patnaik International Airport, Airport Road, Aerodrome Area, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751020
Code: BBI
There are two terminals at this airport. These are
The airport has only one lounge at Terminal 1. This is known as the Bird Lounge. It is located near terminal 2. It offers the following facilities:
Bhubaneswar Airport is renowned for the comfort and safety of its parking facilities. The Biju Patnaik International Airport has 364 spaces for mobile homes, 46 taxi stands, and five bus bays. This airport car park is just a few yards from the terminal building.
Guwahati is situated in Assam. It lies in the North-Eastern part of India.
In ancient days, it was known as Pragjyotishpura, also the Kamarupa kingdom's executive capital. Ancient temples can be found all over this place. You will see the remains of temples, buildings, etc.
October and April are the best time to visit.
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Borjhar, Guwahati, Assam - 781015
Code: GAU
Two terminals exist at Guwahati Airport. These are:
The Lounge is the only one at the airport. The services offered here are:
Planning your trip from Guwahati to Bhubaneswar includes many factors. Hotel booking is the top most among them. So, why look anywhere else when Cleartrip offers a hotel booking facility? Combine your flight with Cleartrip hotels now!
Check the airline’s website for the latest details. The information on this page is standard.