Help & FAQ / Reporting

Dashboard (Onscreen Reports)

Account owner and users with the role 'can book, add users and view reports' will be able to see reports. You can track and analyze the company's travel expenses at the click of a button.

We have introduced reports in pictorial representation which would provide you detailed insights on your company's travel expense trends, department-wise expenses, airline-wise expenses and booked fares v/s minimum/average fares across all products viz. domestic flights, international flights, hotels and trains.

All you have to do is; select the product that you want to track, say, domestic flights, and select the date range (last one month, two weeks or last 7 days). You'll be able to see the travel expense trends and booked fares v/s minimum / average fares in the form of histograms; department-wise expenses and airline-wise expenses in the form of pie charts. You can further filter the graph pie chart by selecting the date range as day, week or month.

What's more, we have introduced 'Advance Purchase Pattern' report in the form of a histogram which will provide you information regarding how many days before the departure date did each user make the booking. This will be useful for you to understand the booking patterns of your users which can eventually help you control excessive spends on bookings made closer to departure dates.

Expense Reports (Downloadable)

You can download expense reports from this page. Just select one of the reports from the dropdown. Select the date range required for the report and click on 'Download' and you can download it in csv format and later on convert it into an excel file. Click here for more details!

As you can see, we provide airline wise, city wise, product wise, periodic, sector wise and employee wise expense along with the 'Booking Detail' report. The booking detail report, which is most widely used, gives the list of bookings done by you with details such as trip id, booking date, product, booking status, cancelled date, ticket/ voucher number, trip name, passenger name-employee id (which will help to uniquely identify the employee), airline/hotel/train name, booked by, department, tags, payment mode, credit card number, base fare, taxes and other charges, insurance, cash back and discounts, total fare, refund amount, minimum available fare, average available fare (based on the fares at that search instance), travel date, return date, policy compliant booking (y/n) and policy violation reason.

If you have the approvals feature enabled, the booking detail report will have the following additional columns namely request sent date, approved date, approver names, initiator name, escalated date, emergency booking (Y/N), reason for emergency booking, approved fare and booked fare.